As of August 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has implemented new regulations concerning the entry of pets into the USA. Learn More

Dermatology Services

Maintaining your pet’s skin is essential to their overall well-being. Contact us for details.

Your pet's skin can often be a reflection of their overall health. Skin that is free of bumps, lumps, and flakes is likely in good health. The opposite could mean your pet has underlying health issues that need to be addressed, including environmental allergies, food allergies, parasite infections, and more.

How do pets develop allergies?

Pets can experience an allergic reaction if they come in contact with irritants, things in the environment or certain foods. Pets can develop food allergies based on the types of protein they eat. When your pet's allergies are triggered, you'll notice irritated skin and itching in particular areas like their feet, chest, face, and stomach. Common environmental and food allergies include:

  • Wheat
  • Eggs and dairy
  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Grass

How should I care for my pet's skin?

Regularly inspecting your pet's skin can help determine when something is not right. Checking their coat every few days allows you to identify external parasites like ticks and fleas, dandruff, or mange. Regular grooming can help your pet maintain a healthy coat. Trims, bathing, and skin care help to remove excess oils, loose hair, and dead skin cells. Feeding your pet a well-balanced diet can also support healthy skin.

Can I treat my pet's skin condition at home?

Ensuring your pet's skin is taken care of professionally will be better for your pet's health and your wallet in the long run. Regular brushing can be done at home, but if you encounter a skin problem, it's best to stay away from over-the-counter medications or home remedies. If you notice your pet has a skin condition, please consult our team at 905-877-2258.

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